Vienna, 11 April 2019
On 11 April 2019, WEBER & CO. invited to the seminar series RECHT FRÜH in the premises of the firm to inform about new provisions imposed by the Austrian Stock Corporation Amendment Act 2019 (Aktienrechts-Änderungsgesetzes 2019 – AktRÄG 2019) and the relevant changes in the Stock Exchange Act. Attendees were informed about new rules related to (i) identification of shareholders and transmission of information for exercising shareholders’ rights, (ii) salary policies, (iii) transparency increases, (iv) related party transactions, (v) voting right exercise confirmations and (vi) changes in the responsibility of the board for review of exchange ratios in case of mergers.
An active discussion with the attendees, mostly representatives of Austrian corporates and banks, completed the lectures by partner Stefan Weber and Christoph Moser on the national implementation of the Shareholders’ Rights Directive 2017/828. In addition, participants were able enjoy a breakfast networking opportunity before and after the seminar.
presentation (German only)
invitation (German only)