
To maintain the highest quality services, the firm constantly seeks to attract the best and most brilliant of the new generation of lawyers. WEBER & CO. offers talented young lawyers first-class career opportunities: the intellectual challenge of complex tasks, an internationally oriented education, teamwork with experts and the chance of becoming a partner in a leading Austrian law firm.
Versatility and specialization, an international outlook, entrepreneurial spirit, teamwork and fun form the associates of our firm. On that basis, we will turn you into the solution-oriented specialists of tomorrow This guarantees, in addition to our high standards, a modern, dynamic and attractive corporate culture which our clients profit from.
Our associates are offered a comprehensive legal education along with an understanding of economic and political aspects. Our clients shall work with consultants who take efficient legal decisions. This enables us to adapt our products and solutions to the ever expanding European and international markets in order to meet our clients' rising demands and standards.
Applications from outstanding applicants are always welcome. The best way to apply is to send us a résumé along with a short description of your interests and expectations per mail or e-mail to
After a preliminary selection, we invite the candidates to two or three interviews with partners. In these interviews candidates will also be introduced to our associates and have an opportunity to talk with them about their experiences.
Versatility Specialization
One of our key strengths is an intensive and diverse education. Our associates have the opportunity to work with several partners and various clients including public corporations and multinational enterprises in all areas of business law. This enables our associates to develop their own personal style and areas of expertise accordingly.
It is a set requirement that all lawyers at WEBER & CO. build up specialized knowledge on the basis of a broad legal understanding. Such specialization is thoroughly encouraged and supported.
International Practice
WEBER & CO. offers its lawyers the opportunity to work in an international environment. Many partners have spent a significant amount of time working or studying abroad. The law firm deals with various foreign clients in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe as well as with national clients abroad, and also cooperates with international law firms. Dealing with foreign clients and cross-border transactions is part of our daily routine.
Not all associates have international experience when they start working with us. Business fluent English and a solid understanding of foreign jurisdictions are, however, indispensable. Therefore, WEBER & CO. offers its lawyers the opportunity to spend up to six months at firms or with clients abroad.
Entrepreneurial Spirit
The attractiveness of our profession is enhanced through the opportunity to work in a partnership on a self-employed basis. Our firm's principles - especially the decision making through mutual consent, the social responsibility, the manifold opinions, backgrounds and ideologies as well as the quality and profitability according to the highest European standards - form the basis through which our associates become successful entrepreneurs.
We actively promote integration in the decision-making processes of the firm as well as participation in the success of the enterprise. Soon after taking on their function, the associates are entrusted with personal responsibility for their assigned cases. Thereby our associates learn to make decisions as entrepreneurs at a very early stage and are able to take better care of clients.
Our lawyers share an enthusiasm for finding solutions to complex legal issues in teams. At WEBER & CO. the associates work in various teams based on their personal preferences, desired specialization, and the needs of our clients. This allows them to benefit from the individual experiences of their other team members.
Associates are typically placed in teams on the basis of location, legal area or according to projects. Team members develop leading positions or establish new teams themselves on the basis of their individual education or area of legal expertise.
The requirements for employment correspond to the high performance profile and job specifications of the legal profession. Legal qualifications are proven through excellent academic performance. Good working knowledge of English is also essential.
Many of our lawyers have worked as university assistants during or after their studies. Doctoral degrees, other degrees as well as foreign qualifications are welcome but not required.
The curriculum vitae should show that the applicant has developed a sound understanding of economics and politics and is able to apply her/his legal skills to finding solutions for legal tasks. Active commitment in non-business related fields such as music, fine arts, and sports will also be taken into consideration.
At WEBER & CO. every young lawyer has the opportunity to become a partner. The specific partnership prospects depend largely on the legal, entrepreneurial and social skills of the candidates. The partnership decision is adopted through the unanimous consent of all partners in a two-stage system. In the period between the bar exam and the admission to the bar, the decision is made whether or not to offer the associate a position as junior partner.
The acceptance of the associate as a junior partner usually follows the lawyer's admission to the bar. The definite decision on partnership is taken on the basis of successful legal as well as personal collaboration. Before this decision is taken, junior partners are able to gain international experience by working for firms and clients abroad. Based on the success of the legal and personal cooperation, a decision on the final partnership position is made after about three years.