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Act and Sec 14 of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB):

Weber Harrer Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG
Rathausplatz 4, 1010 Vienna,

T + 43 1 427 2000
F + 43 1 427 2010

Registration Number: FN 498898 z,
Commercial Court Vienna

Vienna Bar Association, Austria
The Rules of the Bar can be inspected at:

VAT-ID Number: ATU73692907
DVR Number: 0989746

Personally liable partner (general partner):

Weber Harrer Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Rathausplatz 4, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Registration Number: FN 495797 p, Commercial Court Vienna

Managing Shareholders (holding equal shares):
Dr. Philipp Baubin, Mag. Martina Harrer, Dr. Katharina Kitzberger,
Mag. Klaus Pfeiffer, Mag. Anita Vukas. Dr. Stefan Weber, Dr. Daniela Witt-Dörring


WEBER & CO. is a trademark of Weber Harrer Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG

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Direction of the medium: This website qualifies as communications media and is addressed to clients as well as other persons interested in legal matters. Topics are the presentation of Weber & Co. as well as information on current legal issues.

Disclaimer: This website and the content provided herein have been carefully composed. However, they are for general information purposes only and cannot replace individual legal advice on a case-to-case basis. We assume no liability for the accuracy, correctness and completeness of any information. Weber & Co. accepts no liability for any links to external websites.